Fitness Center

We help you achieve harmony, balance, passion & feel amazing in your life through fitness & nutrition


CrossFit Montreal-Wednesday November 19
Wednesday, November 19, 2014

(Courtesy of

1. For Time:
60 Strict Pull ups

2. “Fortitude”
Odd: 15 Calorie Row
Even: 15 Burpees 

CrossFit Montreal-Tuesday November 18
Tuesday, November 18, 2014

(Courtesy of

1. Death by Power Clean, 155/105 (scaled 135/95)

- Everyone will start with 155/105 and will give it everything they have. If you are unable to complete 10 rounds with this weight, drop the weight to 135/95 and start over.

- If you are unable to complete 10 rounds with 135/95, drop the weight to 115/85 and start over.

Post scores for all rounds that you do (the first round is the most important score – go for broke with the 155/105). 

CrossFit Montreal-Monday November 17
Monday, November 17, 2014

(Courtesy of

1. Snatch
3×1 at 85%
3×1 at 90%
3×1 at 85%

2.  AMRAP 20 of:
50 Wallballs, 20/14
50 Double-Unders
40 Box Jumps, 24/20
40 Toes-to-Bar
30 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
30 Barbell Facing Burpees
20 Cleans, 145/100
20 Jerks, 145/100
10 Snatches, 145/100
10 Muscle-Ups 

CrossFit Montreal-Saturday November 15
Saturday, November 15, 2014

(Courtesy of

1. 7 two-minute Rounds of:
200m Run
5 C2B Pull ups
10 Push ups
15 Squats
AMRAP Power Cleans in remaining time, 135/95
1 minute rest between rounds.

Post the number of Power Cleans you got for each of the seven rounds.

2. EMOMx10
Min 1: Max unbroken HSPU
Min 2: 10 Rep Heavy DL
Min 3: Max unbroken HSPU
Min 4: 8 Rep Heavy DL
Min 5: Max unbroken HSPU
Min 6: 6 Rep Heavy DL
Min 7: Max unbroken HSPU
Min 8: 4 Rep Heavy DL
Min 9: Max unbroken HSPU
Min 10: 2 Rep Heavy DL

The weights should go up on each set of Deads. Report scores for all 5 sets of HSPU and all 5 sets of Deads. 

CrossFit Montreal-Friday November 14
Friday, November 14, 2014

(Courtesy of

AMRAP 8 of:
3-6-9-12-15…as high as possible of:
Power Snatch, 95/65
Box Jump Overs, 24/20

2. Squat
10×3 Front Squats, across