Fitness Center

We help you achieve harmony, balance, passion & feel amazing in your life through fitness & nutrition


CrossFit Montreal-Tuesday September 4
Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Option 1:

For time
  100 Thrusters 95/65

Option 2: Outlaw

BB Gymnastics

1) 5X2 Hang Snatch  (at hip) – heavy but perfect—not maximal, rest 60 sec.
2) 5X2 Hang Clean  (at hip) – heavy but perfect—not maximal, rest 60 sec. 


*The Back Squats are based off of YOUR THREE REP MAX –

1) 5X5 Back Squats @ 75% – rest 2 minutes.

2) 3X5 Front Squats @ 77.5% (3 second pause on the 1st & 5th rep) – rest 90 seconds.


1 minute AMRAP of Jerks @ 225/150#

-then (no break)-

100 Burpees for time.
*Perform 1 Rope Climb @ 15′ Every minute on the minute beginning AFTER the first minute.

Notes: There is a 10 minute cap on this effort.

-then (no break)-

1 minute AMRAP of Jerks @ 225/150#

Score is total number of Jerks and total time for Burpees

 Option 3: CrossFit Montreal

Part A: (Max 20 mins)

Back Squat  : 5X5 @80%

Part B:

Annie 50-40-30-20-10

Double unders singles

Anchored sit ups

CrossFit Montreal-Friday August 31
Friday, August 31, 2012

Option 1:

Three rounds for time of:
Run 800 meters
Rest 2 minutes

Option 2: Outlaw

BB Gymnastics

1) 7X1 1 Power Snatch + 1 Heaving Snatch Balance + 1 OHS – heaviest possible, rest 60 sec (exactly).

Notes: This should be performed as a complex. Do not drop the bar between movements.

2) 7X1 3 Hang Power Cleans + 1 Push Jerk – heaviest possible, rest 60 sec (exactly).

Notes: Hang should be just above the knees. These should be UB reps, if you cannot perform them UB then lower the load.


9 Muscle-Ups
Row 500m
40 Slapping Pushups
30 KB OH Walking Lunges 24/16kg
20 Ground to shoulder 120/80#
30 Slapping Pushups
20 KB OH Walking Lunges 24/16kg
10 Ground to Shoulder
Row 500m
9 Muscle-Ups

Notes: KB Lunges should be performed with TWO KBs held overhead. Each step counts as 1 rep.


1a) 3X15 “Strict” GH Raise – rest 60 sec. (no swing, start from a position parallel to the floor) Demo Video
1b) 3XMax temps L-Sit Hold – rest 60 sec.

Option 3: CrossFit Montreal

Buy in= 40 burpees



Deadlift 225/155

Push ups

KB swings 28/24

Toes to bar

400m run at the end of each round

CrossFit Montreal-Thursday August 30
Thursday, August 30, 2012

Option 1:
30 rounds for time of:
5 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball
3 Handstand push-ups
225 pound Power clean, 1 rep

Option 2: Outlaw Way

Rest day

Option 3: CrossFit Montreal

Part A: Practice one leg double under or double unders (10mins)

Part B:

3 rounds for time:

30 Box jumps 24/20

30 Double unders

20 Pulls ups

CrossFit Montreal-Wednesday August 29
Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Option 1:

"CrossFit Total"

Back squat, 1 rep
Shoulder Press, 1 rep
Deadlift, 1 rep

Option 2: Outlaw


1a) 7X3  Deadlifts @80% – rest 60 sec.

1b) Bench Press: 2X3 @ 70%, 2X3 @ 75%, 2X2 @ 80%, 1X2 @ 85% – rest 60 sec.

Notes: These are not incline, they should be performed on a flat bench. If you do not know your 1RM, use a weight that’s heavy, but stays fast throughout all sets.


1a) 3XMax reps Unbroken Ring Dips – rest 30 sec.
1b) 3X15 UB KB Snatches (each arm) – heaviest possible, rest 30 sec.
1c) 3X5 Snatch Grip Behind the Neck Press – heavier than last week, rest 30 sec.
1d) 3X15 Good mornings– medium/heavy, rest 30 sec.

Notes: Notice the length of the rest intervals. DO NOT deviate from them. If more than 20 UB Ring Dips are possible add some sort of weight or weight vest.

Option 3: CrossFit Montreal

A)Overhead Squats


B) work on 2 weaknesses (15mins)

Crossfit Montreal- Tuesday August 28
Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Option 1:

Rest day

Option 2: Outlaw

BB Gymnastics

2) 7X2 Hang Snatch  (at hip) – heavy but perfect—not maximal, rest 60 sec. 


*The Back Squats are based off of YOUR THREE REP MAX –

1) 5X2,2,2,1,1 Back Squats @ 100% – rest 2 minutes.

2) 3X5 Front Squats @ 75% (3 second pause on the 1st & 5th rep) – rest 90 seconds.


Every 90 seconds for 15 minutes (10 total rounds):

30 Double-Unders
10 Pullups
3 Ground to Overhead

Notes: The goal is to finish the effort having completed each round within the time limit, and to have done it with the heaviest possible weight on the bar. Do not use a weight so heavy that you will not be able to finish a round, but also do not underestimate. You may take weight off, but you MAY NOT add weight at any time. Score is the weight used for the final round.

Option 3: CrossFit Montreal

Part A: time cap 15 mins

1.6km run B=1.6k row

30 push ups

50 GHD Back extensions B= superman

400m run B=400m row

5 min rest

Part B: max rounds 10 mins

20 KB push press 24/20 B=mod

20 KB Swings 24/20 B=mod

20 SDLHP 24/20 B=mod