Fitness Center

We help you achieve harmony, balance, passion & feel amazing in your life through fitness & nutrition


CrossFit Montreal-Thursday April 11
Thursday, April 11, 2013

Option 1:

For time:
95/65 pound Thruster, 45 reps
45 Pull-ups

Option 2: Force 5
1) 12 mins warm up
2) 10 mins to find MAx Squat clean and jerk
3) "Every 30s On the 30 sec for 15 mins
1X 80% max C &J

Option 3: CrossFit Montreal
3 rounds for time
Time cap 30 mins
25 Backsquats 135/95
25 toes to bar
20m KB farmers walk (2KB) 32kg/24kg
4 rope climbs 15 ft

CrossFit Montreal-Wednesday Aoril 10
Wednesday, April 10, 2013

(pic from

Option 1:


21-15-9 reps of:
225 /155 pound Deadlift
Handstand push-ups

Option 2: Force 5

Warm-up  (12mins max)

A)AMRAP 5 mins

Max muscle ups

B)AMRAP 4 mins

Push Jerk from the ground 225/155

Option 3: CrossFit Montreal
Part A: 20 mins max
Deadlift 5-5-5-5-5
Part B: Time cap 20 mins
4 rounds for time
40 jumping lunges
40 Double unders
20 wallballs 20/14
15 KB swings (russian style)32/24

CrossFit Montreal-Tuesday April 9
Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Option 1:

Rest day

Option 2: Force 5

1. Warm-up (max time 12 mins)
2.  20 mins to find 3 rep max snatch (30 secs max for the 3 reps)
3. AMRAP 20 mins (in teams of  2)

400m run
Max thrusters 155/110

(while a teammate runs, the other completes thrusters)

Option 3: CrossFit Montreal

Part A: Push Press (from the rack)


Part B: Max reps in 15 mins

15 pull ups

20 box jumps 24/20

300m row

CrossFit Montreal-Monday April 8
Monday, April 8, 2013

Option 1:

Ten rounds, each for time of:
100 meter Sprint
Rest 90 seconds

Option 2: Force 5

Bloc 1: 

A) Warmp-up(12mins max)

400m  jogging

4 x 1 min rounds of(without counting reps)

15 secs  jumping jack

15 secs air squats

15 secs mountain climbers

15 secs  jumping air squats

4 x1min rounds of

15 secs plank

15 secs superman hold

15 secs side plank right side

15 secs side plank left side

B) Strength (20 mins max)

Back squats (2 to 3 people per rack)

5 minutes ramp up
+ Every 2 minutes for 12 find  5 reps heavy backsquat (increase weight, start at  80%)

C) 20 mins max

AMRAP 12mins

200m run

5 Power Clean & Jerks 205-140lb

Option 3: CrossFit Montreal

Part A: 20 mins

Squat or Power clean 5-5-5

Part B: 21-15 -9

Front Squats 155/105

Hand release Push ups 

CrossFit Montreal-Friday April 5
Friday, April 5, 2013

Option 1 :

rest day

Option 2: Outlaw

Movement Prep

Every 30 sec for 3 minutes:

1 Power Clean & Push Jerk @ 65%

*Immediately perform 2 TTB after every rep.


CrossFit Games 2013 Open WOD 13.4

Option 3: CrossFit Montreal
For time (time cap 40 mins)
200m run
30 KB swings 32/24 (vertical)
20 Hand release push ups
1 rope climb 15 ft
400m run
20 KB swings 32/24
10 Hand release push ups
3 Rope climbs 15ft
800m run
10  KB swings 32/24
5 Hand release push ups
5 rope climbs 15 ft
200m run