Fitness Center

We help you achieve harmony, balance, passion & feel amazing in your life through fitness & nutrition


CrossFit Montreal-Thursday September 5
Thursday, September 5, 2013

 Option 1:


10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of the triplet:

Deadlift: 1 1/2 body weight
Bench press: body weight
Clean: 3/4 body weight

Option 2: Force 5

Part A:

For time

Row 1500 meters

36 Deadlifts: body weight

63 Box jump, 20 inch box

Cap 15 

Part B:

4 repeat 200 m sprints

Option 3: CrossFit Montreal

Part A: 15 mins
work on 2 weaknesses of your choice

Part B:
For time
300 double unders
5 Rope climbs
1000m row

CrossFit Montreal-Wednesday September 4
Wednesday, September 4, 2013

 Option 1:

Rest Day

Option 2: Force 5

PArt A:

For time.

400 m run.

60 kb snatch 32-24.

400 m run.

Cap 11 min

PArt B:

3 tries for max reps power snatch 155-100

Option 3: CrossFit Montreal


100 pull ups

100 push ups

100 sit-ups

100 squats 

CrossFit Montreal-Tuesday September 3
Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Option 1:


Four rounds for time of:
Run 200 meters
135/95 Thruster, 11 reps
Run 200 meters
135/95 Push press, 11 reps
Run 200 meters
135/95 bench press , 11 reps

Option 2: Force 5

Warmup. Crossfit warmup

Part A:
5 min max reps. Hang sq clean to thrusters 155-110
Part B:
Double tabata.
Inverted burpee

Option 3: CrossFit Montreal

Part A:

Overhead Squat technique or 3-3-3

Part B:

3 rounds for time

10 OHS 135/95

20 Ring dips

30 wallballs 20/14

CrossFit Montreal-Monday September 2
Monday, September 2, 2013

 Option 1:

Three rounds for time of:
Row 500 meters
12 Deadlifts: body weight
21 Box jump, 20 inch box

Option 2: Force 5

Labour day

For time
800m run
200m lunge

Option 3: CrossFit Montreal

3 rounds for time

100 Double unders

30 burpees chest to bar pull ups

20 steps walking lunge with bar in front rack position 135/95

10 Ground to Overhead 135/95

CrossFit Montreal-Friday August 30
Friday, August 30, 2013

 Option 1:

10 rounds with a 2 minute rest in between, of any (or any combination) of:
Swim 100 meters
Run 400 meters
Row 500 meters
Bike 1000 meters

Option 2: Force 5

Part A:

Even : 2 reps Hang power Clean (go up)
Odd : 10 burpees

Part B:

Nasty Girls
3 rounds
50 air squats
7 muscle up
10 hang power clean135-95
cap 15 minutes

Option 3: CrossFit Montreal

400m farmers walk w\ 2X32kg\2X24kg

100 toes 2 bar

100 overhead walking lunges(steps) w plate 45/25

100 clapping push ups

1000m row