Fitness Center

We help you achieve harmony, balance, passion & feel amazing in your life through fitness & nutrition

Running Workshop
Saturday, October 5, 2019

Running Workshop with Hélène Dumais 

You want to run faster? Improve your performance in all the conditioning WODs? Complete Murph without crying?
Just like you devote time and get coaching cues for your squat or your muscle up; the same should be applied for your running form.

During this workshop, you will:
Learn efficient running technique using drills;
Get personal cues to improve your form;
Learn how to incorporate running into your training to match your personal objectives (survive Murph vs running a marathon);
Pick up stability drills and weight training exercices to improve your running skills.

When: Sunday October 13th 10:30AM
Duration: 60-75 minutes
Cost: CrossFit Montreal members: 15$, non gym member: 20$
Max capacity: 16 people

Non-membres : Registration

Membres : Registration

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