Fitness Center

We help you achieve harmony, balance, passion & feel amazing in your life through fitness & nutrition

CrossFit Montreal-Monday November 6
Monday, November 5, 2012

(Pic from

Option 1:

Front Squat 1-10-1-20-1-30 reps

Option 2: Outlaw

1)15 minutes to establish a 1RM Snatch from blocks (just above the knee).

2) Conditioning (pain threshold training)

5 rounds for total time of:

Row 250m
10 Squat Clean to Thrusters 95/65#
15 Burpees

-Rest 3 minutes.

Notes: This entire WOD should be performed with a 20/10# vest.

Option 3: CrossFit Montreal
Part A: 15 mins
Snatch practice or Find 1RM
Part B:  21-15-9
Front Squat (from the ground) 155/105
Pull ups
Hand release push ups
250m row

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